• Are you having trouble figuring out whether you are on the right path?
• Do you feel like life has become routine, without excitement or adventure?
• Are you searching for a spiritual philosophy that suits you?
• Would you like some answers to this great mystery of life?
• Would you like to learn how to access these answers on your own?
Cheryl Fawn, CHHC, AADP began to learn the answers to many of life's questions through her own spiritual and healing journey. Although each person possesses their own answers, Cheryl is an experienced guide who can assist you in your discovery process. She confers with her source (sometimes referred to as the higher self) and can teach you to access your own.
Cheryl has learned of the unbelievable, mysterious synchronicity that exists in the universe. She observes these synchronistic coincidences daily and has many powerful stories providing evidence. She is excited to share this knowledge, which can open her clients up to a whole new dimension of living.
Cheryl provides spiritual coaching as a complement to any holistic health coaching program a client chooses. Knowing that it takes a very healthy person to be able to access their own guidance, she teaches her clients to establish balance in all areas of life. For those who already feel comfortable with their diet and lifestyle, Cheryl is available to focus more intensively on recognizing one's spiritual purpose and leading the most exciting life possible. |